Sunday, 31 August 2008


I have only know Maureen for 6 years, a very short period of time in comparison to her many years in Bull Terriers. I started to attend a few shows with her in early 2007, showing her lovely Geham Roderick and l'm sure many have seen me at the various shows around England, now that Roddy is not showing as much l don't go as Maureen doesn't require help with the dogs. The fact that Maureen has nothing to show at the minute won't keep her in the house however and for a woman in her late 80's, she shows an immense passion to attend everything and anything that relates to her beloved breed.

I have persuaded Maureen who many will know is as stubborn as a mule, to do a Blog of her life experience's and what she does now in relation to the Bull Terrier Club, of which she is the President at the minute. Hopefully we will cover many things that all reading will find interesting and as l said to Maureen "anything published in the future on this Blog will be here for life", l have listened to many stories that Maureen has shared with me and l find them amazing. These are memories that should never be lost and surely her experience with these lovely animals is better shared with all Bull Terrier lovers. All post's from today will be in Maureen's words and she will dictate the posts and l will type them up! After she has read the post and is happy, l will publish it and please leave a comment or question for Maureen and l am sure she will reply!

Today we have been to the Bull Terrier Welfare Show at a wonderful establishment for dogs which boasts a Hydrotherapy Pool and several large training areas. Tomlinson's Canine Centre is not far from the M1 and is situated between Nottingham and Leicester in a small town called Markfield. To give you a brief insight into Mrs Bell's passion, she gave me no end of grief in order to assure l attended with a few dogs. I eventually broke under the intense pressure and once again ended up having a cracking time with the three dogs l took. Although it rained heavy, we where able to move into the large purpose built hall for the majority of the show. The auction was extraordinary and Ron Scott who was on the mic for most of the day deserved a medal as l think he drew the maximum from the punters pockets. The different classes where run with everyone having fun and the story of one particular little Red Bullie bitch, who was found wandering in the London Underground and ended up in the care of Battersea Dogs reminded us all why we where there supporting these less fortunate animals. This bitch is now re homed and happy with Naomi Kerans! My Greyhounds and ten year old Lab. faired well throughout the day, picking up many prizes, the French Bulldog won Best in Show(the little bugger) which he deserved and other dog that stood out for me was the funny coloured Great Dane Bitch who was gorgeous and picked up Prettiest Bitch. I was disappointed when Maureen who was Judging Waggiest Tale gave first to a white Bullie owned by Ann Cosgrave and Wallace, my Lab. had to settle for second, we where robbed, lol. My highlight was winning the egg and spoon race and after a fantastic day l will definitely return to defend my title next year, all being well. Some pictures are below of the day and finally l would like to thank everyone who made this a great day!

Bradley walks Buddy off after 4th in the Open Dog, the weather was
about to take a turn for the worse.

Everyone enjoys the auction!

Phyllis McCombie judges a Great Dane!

Maureen enjoys the banter and gets ready for a spot of lunch.

Steady on old girl, watch your fingers!

Preparing for the Egg and Spoon Race(limbering up)


bellums said...

Great to get an update after so long, am already looking forward to the next instalment.

bellums said...

So when is the next one!!????